0 สมาชิก และ 1 บุคคลทั่วไป กำลังดูหัวข้อนี้
'pm' => array('PersonalMessage.php', 'MessageMain'),
'pm' => array('PersonalMessage.php', 'MessageMain'), // The action for the Order Stickied Topics Mod. 'orderstickiedtopics' => array('Post.php', 'OrderStickiedTopics'),
// So you wanna (un)sticky this...let's see. if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) || $_POST['sticky'] == $topic_info['is_sticky'] || !allowedTo('make_sticky'))) unset($_POST['sticky']);
// So you wanna (un)sticky this...let's see. if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) || (empty($_POST['sticky']) == empty($topic_info['is_sticky'])) || !allowedTo('make_sticky'))) unset($_POST['sticky']);
// Change the sticky status of this topic? if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (!allowedTo('make_sticky') || $_POST['sticky'] == $topic_info['is_sticky'])) unset($_POST['sticky']);
// Change the sticky status of this topic? if (isset($_POST['sticky']) && (!allowedTo('make_sticky') || (empty($_POST['sticky']) == empty($topic_info['is_sticky'])))) unset($_POST['sticky']);
// Assume the first message if no message ID was given. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT t.locked, t.num_replies, t.id_member_started, t.id_first_msg,
// Assume the first message if no message ID was given. $request = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT t.locked, t.num_replies, t.id_member_started, t.id_first_msg, t.is_sticky,
'board' => $board, 'lock_mode' => isset($_POST['lock']) ? (int) $_POST['lock'] : null, 'sticky_mode' => isset($_POST['sticky']) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) ? (int) $_POST['sticky'] : null,
'board' => $board, 'lock_mode' => isset($_POST['lock']) ? (int) $_POST['lock'] : null, 'sticky_mode' => isset($_POST['sticky']) && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']) && !(empty($_POST['sticky']) == empty($row['is_sticky'])) ? (int) $_POST['sticky'] : null,
// Function for the Order Stickied Topics Action.function OrderStickiedTopics(){ global $board, $smcFunc, $board_info, $modSettings, $context, $txt, $topic; // Make sure that we have a valid board. if(empty($board)) redirectexit(); // Make sure that the user is allowed to sticky topics. And that we are using stickied topics. if(!allowedTo('make_sticky') || empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics'])) redirectexit('board='.$board.'.0'); // Do we have a topic id? if(!empty($topic)) { // First get some information about this topic. $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('', ' SELECT is_sticky FROM {db_prefix}topics WHERE id_topic = {int:topic_id} AND id_board = {int:board_id}', array( 'board_id' => $board, 'topic_id' => $topic, ) ); // Make sure that we got some valid topic information. if(!($data = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result))) redirectexit('action=orderstickiedtopics;board='.$board.'.0'); $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); // Make sure that we aren't about to unsticky this topic, and that its a sticky. if(($data['is_sticky'] == 0) || (($data['is_sticky'] == 1) && isset($_GET['decrease']))) redirectexit('action=orderstickiedtopics;board='.$board.'.0;'); // Get a correct value to set for the 'stickyness' of this topic. :D if(isset($_GET['unsticky'])) $value = '0'; // Increment? elseif(isset($_GET['increment'])) $value = "is_sticky + 1"; // Decrease? elseif(isset($_GET['decrease'])) $value = "is_sticky - 1"; // If we have no valid value, then we can't do anything. :( else redirectexit('action=orderstickiedtopics;board='.$board.'.0'); // Update the topic. $smcFunc['db_query']('',' UPDATE {db_prefix}topics SET is_sticky = {raw:value} WHERE id_topic = {int:topic_id}', array( 'topic_id' => $topic, 'value' => $value, ) ); // Finally redirect us back to the order stickied topics page for this topics board. redirectexit('action=orderstickiedtopics;board='.$board.'.0;'); } // Get a list of Stickied Topics for this board. $result = $smcFunc['db_query']('',' SELECT t.id_topic, t.is_sticky, m.subject FROM ({db_prefix}topics as t) LEFT JOIN {db_prefix}messages as m on (m.id_msg = t.id_first_msg) WHERE is_sticky != 0 AND t.id_board = {int:board_id} ORDER BY t.is_sticky DESC, t.id_last_msg DESC', array( 'board_id' => $board, ) ); // Setup the topic list for the template. $context['topics'] = array(); while ($row = $smcFunc['db_fetch_assoc']($result)) { $context['topics'][] = array( 'id' => $row['id_topic'], 'value' => $row['is_sticky'], 'title' => $row['subject'], ); } $smcFunc['db_free_result']($result); // Finally set up some necessary *stuff* for the template. loadTemplate('Post'); $context['sub_template'] = 'orderstickiedtopics'; $context['page_title'] = $board_info['name'];}
$context['can_post_poll'] = $modSettings['pollMode'] == '1' && allowedTo('poll_post') && $context['can_post_new'];
// Add the 'can_order_stickied_topics' permission, for the Order Stickied Topics mod. $context['can_order_stickied_topics'] = allowedTo('make_sticky') && !empty($modSettings['enableStickyTopics']);
'post_poll' => array('test' => 'can_post_poll', 'text' => 'new_poll', 'image' => 'new_poll.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=post;board=' . $context['current_board'] . '.0;poll'),
'post_poll' => array('test' => 'can_post_poll', 'text' => 'new_poll', 'image' => 'new_poll.gif', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=post;board=' . $context['current_board'] . '.0;poll'), // Show the Link/Button for the Order Stickied Topics Mod. 'order_stickied_topics' => array('test' => 'can_order_stickied_topics', 'text' => 'OrderStickiedTopics_title', 'lang' => true, 'url' => $scripturl . '?action=orderstickiedtopics;board=' . $context['current_board'] . '.0'),
// Function to display the list of stickiedtopics.function template_orderstickiedtopics(){ global $context, $txt, $board_info, $scripturl, $settings; // Show the start of the table, as well as the main heading and the column headings. echo ' <br /> <table border="0" align="center" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" class="bordercolor" width="60%"> <tr class="catbg3"> <td colspan="5" align="left"> <div style="float: left;"> <b>', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_title'] ,'</b> - <a href="' . $scripturl . '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.0">', $board_info['name'], '</a> </div> </td> </tr> <tr class="titlebg"> <th>', $txt['subject'], '</th> <th>', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_current'], '</th> <th>', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_modify'], '</th> </tr>'; // Show a list of the topics. foreach($context['topics'] as $topic) { echo ' <tr> <td align="left" valign="top" class="windowbg"><b><a href="', $scripturl, '?topic=', $topic['id'], '.0">', $topic['title'], '</a></b></td> <td align="left" valign="top" class="windowbg2" style="text-align:center;">', $topic['value'], '</td> <td align="center" valign="top" class="windowbg2"> <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=orderstickiedtopics;topic=', $topic['id'],';decrease"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/sort_down.gif" alt="', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_decrease'], '" border="0" /></a> <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=orderstickiedtopics;topic=', $topic['id'],';increment"><img src="', $settings['images_url'], '/sort_up.gif" alt="', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_increase'], '" border="0" /></a> <a href="', $scripturl, '?action=orderstickiedtopics;topic=', $topic['id'],';unsticky">', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_unsticky'], '</a> </td> </tr>'; } // If we have no topics, then show a short message telling the moderator. if(empty($context['topics'])) echo ' <tr> <td colspan="3" valign="top" class="windowbg">', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_emptylist'], '</td> </tr>'; // Finish the table. echo ' <tr class="catbg3"> <td colspan="5" align="left"> <b style="font-size:14px;"><a href="', $scripturl, '?board=', $context['current_board'], '.0">', $txt['OrderStickiedTopics_back'], ' ', $board_info['name'], '</a></b> </td> </tr> </table>';}
// Text for the Order Stickied Topics Mod.$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_title'] = 'Order Stickied Topics';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_current'] = 'Current \'Sticky\' Value';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_back'] = 'Back To';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_modify'] = 'Modify Sticky Value';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_unsticky'] = 'Un-Sticky';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_increase'] = 'Increase';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_decrease'] = 'Decrease';$txt['OrderStickiedTopics_emptylist'] = 'This board currently has no stickied topics.';