Mod Name:Expired Attachments

A simple modification to allow users to set a predefined date for their attachments to be deleted. some features:
- There are 4 hard-coded expiration dates: 'Day', 'Week', 'Month', 'Year' and "NEVER". The admin can enable/disable each specific date.
- You must enable at least 1 period, otherwise the mod will not store any expiration date. Each date period sets a unique permission, you can assign that permission to each membergroup.
Apply all permissions if you want the user to have all the possible option dates available.
- Each attachment will get its unique expiration date.
- After the attachment has been deleted, a text on its related message will be added stating the attachment has been deleted.
- This mod does not modify old attachments, it will only work with new attachments uploaded after the installation of this mod.