Mod Name:Add & Create Social Media Icons To Profiles
Advanced Profile Fields must be activated under 'Core Features' for this Mod to work.
Social Media Icons will be displayed on the following pages :
-Ultimate Profile
-Display page (mini profiles)
-Personal Messaging (mini profiles)
$txt['smi_buddies_title'] = 'Social Networks';
$txt['smi_facebook_title'] = 'Facebook';
$txt['smi_facebook_desc'] = 'Input your Facebook username.';
$txt['smi_myspace_title'] = 'MySpace';
$txt['smi_myspace_desc'] = 'Input your MySpace username.';
$txt['smi_twitter_title'] = 'Twitter';
$txt['smi_twitter_desc'] = 'Input your Twitter username.';
$txt['smi_youtube_title'] = 'Youtube';
$txt['smi_youtube_desc'] = 'Input your Youtube username.';
$txt['smi_deviantart_title'] = 'DeviantArt';
$txt['smi_deviantart_desc'] = 'Input your DeviantArt username.';
$txt['smi_googleplus_title'] = 'Google+';
$txt['smi_googleplus_desc'] = 'Input your Google+ User ID.';
$txt['smi_linkedin_title'] = 'LinkedIn';
$txt['smi_linkedin_desc'] = 'Copy & Paste your LinkedIn profile link.';
ถ้าต้องการเพิ่มsocial media ไปที่ Admin > Configuration > Features & Options > Profile Fields คลิ้ก NEW Field